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發布時間: 2023-04-25 04:19:58

1. 如何在網上查找一個疾病的所有相關基因


在一篇「Review」文章中,Teri Manolio及其同事對最有可能將這些解釋和其他可能的解釋加以區分的研究策略進行了分析。
Finding the missing heritability of complex diseases

Teri A. Manolio1, Francis S. Collins2, Nancy J. Cox3, David B. Goldstein4, Lucia A. Hindorff5, David J. Hunter6, Mark I. McCarthy7, Erin M. Ramos5, Lon R. Cardon8, Aravinda Chakravarti9, Judy H. Cho10, Alan E. Guttmacher1, Augustine Kong11, Leonid Kruglyak12, Elaine Mardis13, Charles N. Rotimi14, Montgomery Slatkin15, David Valle9, Alice S. Whittemore16, Michael Boehnke17, Andrew G. Clark18, Evan E. Eichler19, Greg Gibson20, Jonathan L. Haines21, Trudy F. C. Mackay22, Steven A. McCarroll23 & Peter M. Visscher24

Genome-wide association studies have identified hundreds of genetic variants associated with complex human diseases and traits, and have provided valuable insights into their genetic architecture. Most variants identified so far confer relatively small increments in risk, and explain only a small proportion of familial clustering, leading many to question how the remaining, 'missing' heritability can be explained. Here we examine potential sources of missing heritability and propose research strategies, including and extending beyond current genome-wide association approaches, to illuminate the genetics of complex diseases and enhance its potential to enable effective disease prevention or treatment.

2. 常用醫學中文資料庫有哪幾種,有何特點

跟CNV分析有關的數據:DGV(基因組變異資料庫)、Decipher(拷貝數變異資料庫)、ClinGen資料庫(劑量敏感判斷資料庫)、UCSC Genome Browser(基因組瀏覽器)。