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1. 如何卸載刪除火狐(Firefox)插件(Plugins)

插件不是擴展。 手動卸載插件 如果找不到插件的卸載程序,可以用按照以下步驟手動卸載:1.在地址欄內,輸入 about:config,回車; 2.在過濾毀孝器那一欄輸入 plugin.expose_full_path,就可以看到plugin.expose_full_path這個設置項; 3.雙擊這個設置項,將值由默認的fale改為true; 4.在地址欄輸入 about:plugins,就會列出你目前安裝並且啟用的插件列表;如握余族果你想卸載某個插件,務必先在工具-附加組件-插件中啟用它; 5.每個插件名底下都有對應的路徑(步驟3的設置就是為了顯示這個路徑),打開資源管理器找到插件對應文件; 6.將插件對應的文件重命名,比如Mozilla Default Plug-in對應的文件npnul32.dll,將它重命為Xnpnul32.dll; 刷新一下about:plugins頁面,你會發現對應的插件已經被卸載了。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------重建插件配置文件 有時候你不能安裝或者重新安裝某個插件,重建插件配置文件可能就能解決這個問題,重建步驟: 1.打開配置文件夾,找到pluginreg.dat這個文件; 2.關閉firefox; 3.刪除pluginreg.dat; 4.打開firefox,在地址欄內輸入about:plugins,回車; 5.再打開配置文件夾你會發現一個新的pluginreg.dat。\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\段弊\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 英文原文 ===============================================Manually uninstalling a pluginIf you can't use an uninstaller program to remove a plugin, you can remove it manually:1. In the Location bar, type about:config and press EnterReturn. * The about:config "This might void your warranty!" warning page may appear. Click I'll be careful, I promise!, to continue to the about:config page. 2. Search for the preference: plugin.expose_full_path. 3. Double-click on the plugin.expose_full_path preference in the list to change the value to true. 4. Enter about:plugins into the Location bar to display the About Plugins page. 5. Each entry in the About Plugins page will have "File name:" followed by a path. Use Windows Explorer to navigateNavigate to the folder shown for the plugin you want to remove. 6. Rename the file to something other than its normal name - e.g. npswf32 becomes Xnpswf32The plugin will be removed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Re-initializing the plugins databaseIn some cases, you may not be able to install or re-install a plugin. Re-initializing the plugins database may fix this problem:1. Open your profile folder: * (Firefox 3.0 and 3.5): See How to find your profile 1. (Firefox 3.6): At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the Help menu and select Troubleshooting Information.... The Troubleshooting Information tab will open. 2. Under Application Basics, click on Open Containing FolderShow in Finder. 2. From the menu at the top of the Firefox windowbar, select FileFirefox and then select the ExitQuit FirefoxQuit menu item. 3. Delete the pluginreg.dat file. 4. Open Firefox

2. 火狐瀏覽器是附加組件怎樣刪除

  1. 打開Firefox

  2. 進入附加組件管理界面

  3. 點擊對應擴旁拍展猜啟簡的一穗褲處按鈕即可

3. 火狐下載插件怎麼刪除







4. 火狐瀏覽器如何徹底刪除擴展

步驟 1:在地址欄輸入:about:config


步驟3:繼續在地址欄輸入:about:plugins。這樣可以看到所有目前運行的插件,然後到相應目錄下刪除即可。(只保留Shockware Flash插件,其它全部刪除)