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1. 啟動快,沒有電機加速旋轉的過程。
2. 不用磁頭,快速隨機讀取,讀延遲極小。根據相關測試:兩台電腦在同樣配置的電腦下,搭載固態硬碟的筆記本從開機到出現桌面一共只用了18秒,而搭載傳統硬碟的筆記本總共用了31秒,兩者幾乎有將近一半的差距。
3. 相對固定的讀取時間。由於定址時間與數據存儲位置無關,因此磁碟碎片不會影響讀取時間。
4. 基於DRAM的固態硬碟寫入速度極快。
5. 無噪音。因為沒有機械馬達和風扇,工作時噪音值為0分貝。某些高端或大容量產品裝有風扇,因此仍會產生噪音。
6. 低容量的基於快閃記憶體的固態硬碟在工作狀態下能耗和發熱量較低,但高端或大容量產品能耗會較高。
7. 內部不存在任何機械活動部件,不會發生機械故障,也不怕碰撞、沖擊、振動。這樣即使在高速移動甚至伴隨翻轉傾斜的情況下也不會影響到正常使用,而且在筆記本電腦發生意外掉落或與硬物碰撞時能夠將數據丟失的可能性降到最小。
8. 工作溫度范圍更大。典型的硬碟驅動器只能在5到55攝氏度范圍內工作。而大多數固態硬碟可在-10~70攝氏度工作,一些工業級的固態硬碟還可在-40~85攝氏度,甚至更大的溫度范圍下工作。
9. 低容量的固態硬碟比同容量硬碟體積小、重量輕。但這一優勢隨容量增大而逐漸減弱。直至256GB,固態硬碟仍比相同容量的普通硬碟輕。
1. 成本高。每單位容量價格是傳統硬碟的5~10倍(基於快閃記憶體),甚至200~300倍(基於DRAM)。
2. 容量低。目前固態硬碟最大容量遠低於傳統硬碟。固態硬碟的容量仍在迅速增長,據稱IBM已測試過4TB的固態硬碟。
3. 由於不像傳統硬碟那樣屏蔽於法拉第籠中,固態硬碟更易受到某些外界因素的不良影響。如斷電(基於DRAM的固態硬碟尤甚)、磁場干擾、靜電等。
4. 寫入壽命有限(基於快閃記憶體)。一般快閃記憶體寫入壽命為1萬到10萬次,特製的可達100萬到500萬次,然而整台計算機壽命期內文件系統的某些部分(如文件分配表)的寫入次數仍將超過這一極限。特製的文件系統或者固件可以分擔寫入的位置,使固態硬碟的整體壽命達到20年以上。
5. 基於快閃記憶體的固態硬碟在寫入時比傳統硬碟慢很多,也更易受到寫入碎片的影響。
6. 數據損壞後難以的恢復。傳統的磁碟或者磁帶存儲方式,如果硬體發生損壞,通過目前的數據恢復技術也許還能挽救一部分數據。但如果固態硬碟發生損壞,幾乎不可能通過目前的數據恢復技術在失效(尤其是基於DRAM的)、破碎或者被擊穿的晶元中找回數據。
7. 根據實際測試,使用固態硬碟的筆記本電腦在空閑或低負荷運行下,電池航程短於使用5400RPM的2.5英寸傳統硬碟。
8. 基於DRAM的固態硬碟在任何時候的能耗都高於傳統硬碟,尤其是關閉時仍需供電,否則數據丟失。
9. 據用戶反映,使用低廉的MLC的固態硬碟在Windows操作系統下運行比傳統硬碟慢。這是由於Windows操作系統的文件系統機制不適於固態硬碟。在Linux下無此問題。
本文來自: 電腦知識大全() 詳細出處參考:

Ⅱ 硬碟是怎麼來存儲數據的


硬碟儲存數據的原理和盒式磁帶類似,只不過盒式磁帶上存儲是模擬格式的音樂,而硬碟上存儲的是數字格式的數據。寫入時,磁頭線圈上加電,在周圍產生磁場,磁化其下的磁性材料;電流的方向不同,所以磁場的方向也不同,可以表示 0 和 1 的區別。










Ⅲ 硬碟與U盤存儲數據的通俗原理

U盤是以Flash Memory 作為存儲單元,是一種可擦寫的內存,其載體是半導體晶元。普通的內存是一種RAM,斷電後即丟失所有數據,而Flash Memory 則必須通過加電才能改變數據,所以可以






Ⅳ 硬碟是怎麼來存儲數據的

硬碟儲存數據的原理和盒式磁帶類似,只不過盒式磁帶上存儲是模擬格式的音樂,而硬碟上存儲的是數字格式的數據。寫入時,磁頭線圈上加電,在周圍產生磁場,磁化其下的磁性材料;電流的方向不同,所以磁場的方向也不同,可以表示 0 和 1 的區別。




Ⅳ 扇區、磁碟塊、頁。磁碟是如何存儲數據的:磁碟的物理結構


硬碟的讀寫以扇區為基本單位。磁碟上的每個磁軌被等分為若干個弧段,這些弧段稱之為扇區。硬碟的物理讀寫以扇區為基本單位。通常情況下每個扇區的大小是 512 位元組。linux 下可以使用 fdisk -l 了解扇區大小:

$ sudo /sbin/fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 20 GiB, 21474836480 bytes, 41943040 sectors

Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disklabel type: dos

Disk identifier: 0x7d9f5643

其中 Sector size,就是扇區大小,本例中為 512 bytes。


磁碟塊,IO Block

文件系統讀寫數據的最小單位,也叫磁碟簇。扇區是磁碟最小的物理存儲單元,操作系統將相鄰的扇區組合在一起,形成一個塊,對塊進行管理。每個磁碟塊可以包括  2、4、8、16、32 或 64 個扇區。磁碟塊是操作系統所使用的邏輯概念,而非磁碟的物理概念。磁碟塊的大小可以通過命令 stat /boot 來查看:

$ sudo stat /boot

  File: /boot

  Size: 4096        Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   directory

Device: 801h/2049d  Inode: 655361      Links: 3

Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)

Access: 2019-07-06 20:19:45.487160301 +0800

Modify: 2019-07-06 20:19:44.835160301 +0800

Change: 2019-07-06 20:19:44.835160301 +0800

Birth: -

其中 IO Block 就是磁碟塊大小,本例中是 4096 Bytes,一般也是 4K。





內存的最小存儲單位。頁的大小通常為磁碟塊大小的 2^n 倍,可以通過命令 getconf PAGE_SIZE 來獲取頁的大小:

$sudo getconf PAGE_SIZE


本例中為 4096 Bytes,與磁碟塊大小一致。





扇區大小,fdisk -l

磁碟塊大小,stat /boot

內存頁大小,getconf PAGE_SIZE




1、名稱機械硬碟,由於信息載體為磁性物質,故又稱磁碟。 2、硬碟主要結構在硬碟盒裡面其實是由許許多多的圓形碟片、機械手臂、磁頭與主軸馬達所組成的。 3、工作情形實際的數據都是寫在具有磁性物質的碟片上,而讀寫主要是通過在機械手臂上的磁頭(head)來達成。實際運行時, 主軸馬達讓碟片轉動,然後機械手臂可伸展讓磁頭在碟片上頭進行讀寫的動作。


對於機械硬碟,最重要的結構是這些兩面塗有磁性材料的碟片,在工作時會以每分鍾7200轉的速度旋轉。碟片的作用是記錄數據,在碟片上有序的排列了很多的小顆粒材料,它們都是磁性物質,可以被永久磁化和改變磁極,這兩個磁極就分別表示了計算機二進制中的0和1。由於碟片是轉動後讀寫數據的,所以,當初設計就是在類似碟片同心圓上面切出一個一個的小區塊,這些小區塊整合成一個圓形,讓機器手臂上的磁頭去存取。這個小區塊就是磁碟的最小物理儲存單位,稱之為扇區 (sector),那同一個同心圓的扇區組合成的圓就是所謂的磁軌(track)。 扇區容量:原本硬碟的扇區都是設計成 512Byte(即0.5KB) 的容量,但因為近期以來硬碟的容量越來越大,為了減少數據量的拆解,所以新的大容量硬碟已經有 4KByte(即4KB)的扇區設計! 由於單一碟片的容量有限,因此有的硬碟內部會有兩個以上的碟片喔!由於磁碟裡面可能會有多個碟片,因此在所有碟片上面的同一個磁軌可以組合成所謂的柱面 (cylinder)。 數據存儲在碟片上的一個個扇區中。








硬碟是在硬質碟片(一般是鋁合金,以前 IBM 也嘗試過使用玻璃)上塗敷薄薄的一層鐵磁性材料。這些磁粉被劃分成稱為磁軌的若干個同心圓,在每個同心圓的磁軌上就好像有無數的任 意排列的小磁鐵,它們分別代表著0和1的狀態。當這些小磁鐵受到來自磁頭的磁力影響時,其排列的方向會隨之改變。利用磁頭的磁力控制指定的一些小磁鐵方 向,使每個小磁鐵都可以用來儲存信息。寫入時,磁頭線圈上加電,在周圍產生磁場,磁化其下的磁性材料;電流的方向不同,所以磁場的方向也不同,可以表示 0 和 1 的區別。讀取時,磁頭線圈切割磁場線產生感應電流,磁性材料的磁場方向不同,所以產生的感應電流方向也不同。




FLASH晶元儲存數據的方式也不是太難理解,就是FLASH晶元裡面分出了很多儲存單元,這些儲存單元裡面有電子的位置;當一顆電子的位置裡面沒有存放電子,它就是0;如果存放了電子,它就是1 參考:

https://zhuanlan.hu.com/p/117375905 https://www.cnblogs.com/andy9468/p/11091115.html

Ⅵ 2020-12-02 硬碟如何存儲文件




Inode number is also known as index number. An inode is a unique number assigned to files and directories while it is created. The inode number will be unique to entire filesystem.

Disk inodes contain the following information:

Owner identifier
Type of file (regular, directory, character or block device)
Access permissions
Times and dates
· file creation time

· last file access time

· last inode modification time

Number of links to the file
Array of pointers to data blocks on disk
File size (in bytes, sometimes also in blocks)


作為特殊文件,其組織文件及目錄,屬性也是存在inode內,而存儲的內容是一個包含多個{ 文件名:對應inode Id} 的列表,內容亦存在塊區的塊中。

首先OS獲取到根目錄的inodeId >在inode區中讀取到其屬性(某項是內容所在塊)>在塊區讀取到根目錄內容>在內容中找到名為/etc對應發inodeId>/etc在inode區的屬性>讀取到塊中/etc的內容(包含/etc/fstab對應inodeId)>/etc/fstab Inode Id > 在inode區讀取到/etc/fstab屬性 >/etc/fstab塊。


Within each file system, the mapping from names to blocks is handled through a structure called an i-node. There's a pool of these things near the "bottom" (lowest-numbered blocks) of each file system (the very lowest ones are used for housekeeping and labeling purposes we won't describe here). Each i-node describes one file. File data blocks (including directories) live above the i-nodes (in higher-numbered blocks).

Every i-node contains a list of the disk block numbers in the file it describes. (Actually this is a half-truth, only correct for small files, but the rest of the details aren't important here.) Note that the i-node does not contain the name of the file.

Names of files live in directory structures. A directory structure just maps names to i-node numbers. This is why, in Unix, a file can have multiple true names (or hard links); they're just multiple directory entries that happen to point to the same i-node.

refer: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/432655/why-does-using-indirect-pointers-in-inodes-not-incur-the-same-amount-of-space

less:by direct list blocks in node?.
large :by two-level indirect block
larger : multi-level indirect block.

The original hierarchy of the inodes levels works roughly like this:

You can store one or a few block numbers directly in the inode. This means you use a few bytes more for the inode, but for small files, you don't have to allocate a complete block, which is mostly empty.

The next level is one indirection: You allocate a block to store the block pointers. Only the address of this indirect block is stored in the inode. This doesn't use somehow "less space", and most filesystems, even early ones, worked like that (have a pointer near the inode/filename which points to a block, which stores the block numbers of the file).

But what do you do when the space in this block runs out? You have to allocate another block, but where do you store the reference to this block? You could just add those references to the inode, but to store largers files, the inode would get large. And you want small inodes, so as many as possible inodes can fit into a single block (less disk access to read more inodes).

So you use a two-level indirect block: You just add one pointer to the inode, then you have a whole block to store pointers to indirect blocks, and the indirect blocks store the block address of the file itself.

And so on, you can add higher-level indirect blocks, or stop at some stage, until you reach the maximal size of a file possible with the structure you want.

So the point is not "use up less space in total", but "use a scheme that uses blocks efficiently for the expected distribution a files wrt. to size, i.e. many small files, some larger files, and very few huge files".

Page tables on the other hand work very differently.


To answer the questions in the comment:

Data blocks are of fixed sizes (originally 512 bytes, IIRC), which is a multiple of the block size of the underlying harddisks. So data block size can't "decrease".

As I tried to describe above, the whole point of having the inodes not use up too much space is to make inode access faster (or, alternatively, make caching inodes use up less memory - back then when the unix file system with inodes was invented, computers had a lot less memory than today). It's not about somehow saving space in total. As you say yourself, everything has to be stored somewhere, and if it doesn't use up space at location X, it will use up space at location Y.

Just adding a variable number of block pointers to the inode is not practical, because the inode must take up a fixed amount of space - you want to use the inode number to calculate the block address and the offset inside the block where the inode information is stored. You can't do that if every inode has a different size. So there must be some form of indirection.

Page tables work differently because hardware implements them differently - that's just how it is. The hierarchy has a fixed depth, always the same (though sometimes configurable. And while reading a block from disk is slow, that doesn't matter for page tables. So the design issues are completely different.


Assuming, for the purposes of illustration, that each disk data block is 1024 bytes in size, then these ten data block pointers will allow files to be created that are up to 10 Kb in size. As you can see, for the large majority of files it should be possible to access the data with nothing more than a direct lookup required to find the data block that contains any particular data byte.

With this scheme, once a file has grown to 10 Kb, there are only three block pointers in the inode left to use, whatever the eventual size of the file. Obviously, some new arrangement must be found so that the three remaining block pointers will suffice for any realistic file size, while at the same time not degrading the data access time too much.

This goal is achieved by using the idea of indirect block pointers. Specifically, when an 11th data block needs to be allocated to the file, the 11th inode block pointer is used, but instead of pointing to the block which will contain the data, the 11th pointer is a single indirect pointer which points to a data block filled with a list of direct block pointers. In our example, if we assume that a data block number is a 32-bit value, then a list of 256 of them will fit into the single indirect block. This list will point directly to the data blocks for the next 256 Kb of our file. This means that with 11 block pointers in the inode, files of up to 266 Kb (10 + 256) can be created. True, it takes a little longer to access the data beyond the first 10 Kb in the file, but it takes only one extra disk block read to find the position on the disk of the required data.

For files bigger than 266 Kb the double indirect (12th) inode block pointer is used. This is the same idea as the previous inode pointer except that the double indirect pointer points to a list of pointers in a data block, each of which is itself a single indirect block pointer which points to a list of 256 direct block pointers. This means that the 12th inode block pointer gives access to the next 65536 Kb (256x256) of data in our file.

By now, you should be able to spot the pattern and see that when the file grows bigger than 64 Mb (actually 65802 Kb), the inode's 13th data block pointer will be used, but this time as a triple indirect pointer, which will give access to a staggering 16 Gb (256x256x256 Kb) of extra file space. A single file bigger than 16Gb sounds huge. However, even though the calculation we have just done suggests that this file size is possible with the inode layout as given, in fact there are other factors which limit the maximum size of a file to a smaller value than this. For example, the size of a file, in bytes, is stored separately in its inode in a field of type unsigned long. This is a 32-bit number which limits the size of a file to 4 Gb, so that 13 data block pointers in an inode really are enough.

10.4. How a file gets looked up
Now we can look at the file system from the top down. When you open a file (such as, say, /home/esr/WWW/ldp/fundamentals.xml) here is what happens:

Your kernel starts at the root of your Unix file system (in the root partition). It looks for a directory there called 『home』. Usually 『home』 is a mount point to a large user partition elsewhere, so it will go there. In the top-level directory structure of that user partition, it will look for a entry called 『esr』 and extract an i-node number. It will go to that i-node, notice that its associated file data blocks are a directory structure, and look up 『WWW』. Extracting that i-node, it will go to the corresponding subdirectory and look up 『ldp』. That will take it to yet another directory i-node. Opening that one, it will find an i-node number for 『fundamentals.xml』. That i-node is not a directory, but instead holds the list of disk blocks associated with the file.

The surface area of your disk, where it stores data, is divided up something like a dartboard — into circular tracks which are then pie-sliced into sectors. Because tracks near the outer edge have more area than those close to the spindle at the center of the disk, the outer tracks have more sector slices in them than the inner ones. Each sector (or disk block ) has the same size, which under modern Unixes is generally 1 binary K (1024 8-bit bytes). Each disk block has a unique address or disk block number .

Unix divides the disk into disk partitions . Each partition is a continuous span of blocks that's used separately from any other partition, either as a file system or as swap space. The original reasons for partitions had to do with crash recovery in a world of much slower and more error-prone disks; the boundaries between them rece the fraction of your disk likely to become inaccessible or corrupted by a random bad spot on the disk. Nowadays, it's more important that partitions can be declared read-only (preventing an intruder from modifying critical system files) or shared over a network through various means we won't discuss here. The lowest-numbered partition on a disk is often treated specially, as a boot partition where you can put a kernel to be booted.

Each partition is either swap space (used to implement virtual memory ) or a file system used to hold files. Swap-space partitions are just treated as a linear sequence of blocks. File systems, on the other hand, need a way to map file names to sequences of disk blocks. Because files grow, shrink, and change over time, a file's data blocks will not be a linear sequence but may be scattered all over its partition (from wherever the operating system can find a free block when it needs one). This scattering effect is called fragmentation .

Within each file system, the mapping from names to blocks is handled through a structure called an i-node . There's a pool of these things near the "bottom" (lowest-numbered blocks) of each file system (the very lowest ones are used for housekeeping and labeling purposes we won't describe here). Each i-node describes one file. File data blocks (including directories) live above the i-nodes (in higher-numbered blocks).

Every i-node contains a list of the disk block numbers in the file it describes. (Actually this is a half-truth, only correct for small files, but the rest of the details aren't important here.) Note that the i-node does not contain the name of the file.

Names of files live in directory structures . A directory structure just maps names to i-node numbers. This is why, in Unix, a file can have multiple true names (or hard links ); they're just multiple directory entries that happen to point to the same i-node.

In the simplest case, your entire Unix file system lives in just one disk partition. While you'll see this arrangement on some small personal Unix systems, it's unusual. More typical is for it to be spread across several disk partitions, possibly on different physical disks. So, for example, your system may have one small partition where the kernel lives, a slightly larger one where OS utilities live, and a much bigger one where user home directories live.

The only partition you'll have access to immediately after system boot is your root partition , which is (almost always) the one you booted from. It holds the root directory of the file system, the top node from which everything else hangs.

The other partitions in the system have to be attached to this root in order for your entire, multiple-partition file system to be accessible. About midway through the boot process, your Unix will make these non-root partitions accessible. It will mount each one onto a directory on the root partition.

For example, if you have a Unix directory called <tt class="filename">/usr</tt>, it is probably a mount point to a partition that contains many programs installed with your Unix but not required ring initial boot.

Ⅶ 硬碟是怎麼存儲數據的啊



Ⅷ 磁碟存儲容量計算



存儲容量 = n×t×s×b



磁碟的存儲時間包括尋道時間和等待時間。尋道時間(查找時間,seek time)為磁頭移動到目標磁軌所需要的時間(movable-head disk),對於固定磁頭磁碟而言,無需移動磁頭,只需選擇目標磁軌對應的磁頭即可。等待時間為等待讀寫的扇區旋轉到磁頭下方所用的時間。

一般選用磁軌旋轉一周所用時間的一半作為平均等待時間。尋道時間由磁碟機的性能決定,目前主流硬碟典型的AST(average seek time)一般在10ms左右,而轉速則有2400r/min,5400r/min,7200r/min,等等.軟盤轉速較慢,一般只有360r/min(因為磁頭與盤面接觸性讀寫)。


R = TB÷T


Ⅸ 硬碟是如何存儲信息的
