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㈠ 梳子的種類

1. 分類


2. 主要功用:

頭發梳理是梳妝打扮的組成部分,而且正確的梳理頭發可以美化容貌,保護頭發,保健大腦等。頭部是「諸陽之首」,人體的十二經脈和七經八脈也都匯合於此。頭部穴位有幾十個,約孫譽佔全身穴位的1/4,還有十多個特定 *** 區,所以頭發的梳理具有保健之功效。在頭發的梳理過程中,通過對「百羨桐會」、「四神聰」、「上星」乖穴位的 *** ,可以增加頭發根部的血液流量,增強黑色素細胞的活性,並增加毛球黑色素細胞的數量,烏發的「營養」便得以補充。

還有,在人的頭皮上,分布著許多血管、神經、皮脂腺、汗腺等,梳頭時不僅能除去頭皮屑和油垢,而且當梳齒在頭上來回輕輕劃過時,能 *** 神經末梢,通過大腦皮層來調節頭部神經和讓頭部緊張的狀態得以鬆弛,促進血液循環,使毛囊、皮脂腺。汗腺得到充分的營養。

1. 硬毛的木製梳子

由於是天然的硬毛製成,能夠整順頭發上的臨狀表層,同時還能達到 *** 頭皮的效果。






頭長梳子的末端會有圓狀顆粒,兄凱坦能夠有效 *** 頭皮,此種梳子非常適合中、長發的人使用。


梳子在品種上分實用品梳、工藝梳、旅遊梳、高檔精品梳、保健梳等五大系列300多個品種。其造型有人物、花鳥、月形、條形、柄形、鑲拼等。 梳子種類大小不一,形態各異。有的大逾數尺,有的小盈寸。可隨身攜帶早晚梳理,也可以陳列於室賞玩觀摩。


硬毛的木製梳子由於是天然的硬毛製成,能夠整順頭發上的臨狀表層,同時還能達到 *** 頭皮的效果。

2.稠密的硬毛的橡膠底梳子 以橡膠作為梳子的底座,非常有彈性,適合法質健康的人使用,能有限減少對於發根的拉扯。 3.圓形梳子(滾筒梳) 它適合在做頭發造型的時候使用,不過極容易拉扯到頭發的發根,所以使用的時候要很有技巧。

4.軟膠梳子 頭長梳子的末端會有圓狀顆粒,能夠有效 *** 頭皮,此種梳子非常適合中、長發的人使用。 梳,又稱梳子,古代又稱櫛,是整理頭發的工具,形狀通常扁平,並帶有很多齒。





可隨身攜帶早晚梳理,也可以陳列於室賞玩觀摩。 參考資料 美樂樂:m.sogou/web/uID=Cew6W3FsSnHflDfk/v=5/type=1/sp=1/ct=171217213849/keyword=%E6%A2%B3%E5%AD%90%E7%9A%84%E7%A7%8D%E7%B1%BB%E6%9C%89%E5%93%AA%E4%BA%9B%EF%BC%9F%E4%BB%A5%E5%8F%8A%E5%90%84%E7%A7%8D%E6%A2%B3%E5%AD%90%E7%9A%84%E4%BD%9C%E7%94%A8%E6%98%AF%E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88%E6%A0%B7%E7%9A%84%EF%BC%9F/id=8ad6a30a-52d9-4e2e-9e62-fb7fe9bdd876/sec=Od2Ks9X7g1DROV60AKOGhg../dp=1/vr=30000909/tc?userGroupId=16&dp=1&key=%E6%A2%B3%E5%AD%90%E7%9A%84%E7%A7%8D%E7%B1%BB%E6%9C%89%E5%93%AA%E4%BA%9B%EF%BC%9F%E4%BB%A5%E5%8F%8A%E5%90%84%E7%A7%8D%E6%A2%B3%E5%AD%90%E7%9A%84%E4%BD%9C%E7%94%A8%E6%98%AF%E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88%E6%A0%B7%E7%9A%84%EF%BC%9F&pno=1&g_ut=3&bid=sogou-mobp-27584e8cefba0a67&is_per=0&pg=webz&clk=1&url=%3A%2F%2Fm.meilele%2Farticle%2Fzhuangxiu-ruanzhuang%2F15775&f=0&vrid=30000909&linkid=0&wml=1&w=1281。
現在木梳的種類繁多,如:桃木梳,檀木梳等. 木梳有黃楊木/桃木/檀木/棠梨木/絲綿木/黑石楠/沉香木/棗木/紅木/等材料可供選擇。


現代醫學發現,其內含黃楊素(CH18H21N03),可抑制真菌生長,故而成梳後止癢去屑效果較好 。桃木梳民間傳說是避邪扶正之物,歷來被人們視為驅邪壓正的吉祥物。

木質也比較堅硬。棗木梳一、棗木梳木質堅硬細密,紋理美觀,色澤柔和自然,使用時可 *** 腦部,促進腦部血液循環,烏發,止癢,醒神健腦。







雕刻木梳我司生產基地注冊在具有濃厚徽州文化氣息的安徽涇縣,具有徽派木雕風格的雕刻木梳更是不可多得的工藝禮品和收藏品。優缺點木梳產品最大優點是無靜電,能有效 *** 穴位,促進頭部皮層血液循環,可暢通經脈,清腦提神,調整血氣,對增強記憶,失眠,眩暈,脫發均有明顯功效,實現了實用型與保健型的完美統一。


如何清洗木梳子都不要放水裡長時間的泡洗。清洗辦法: 1、平時用完就要注意清理臟東西,2、梳齒里的臟東西你可以先用牙簽剔除,3、然後用水泡點洗衣粉,用軟牙刷蘸水刷梳子,4、最後用水沖干凈後立馬放到乾的布上水份都吸干,5、如果發現梳齒彎曲不直,應該放平自然涼干,或者另換一把。

相關故事 水族婦女頭上插木梳的來歷古時候,在貴州省三都縣居住的水族婦女頭上是不插木梳的,後來因為木梳救了她們,才把木梳插在頭上。有一天,幾個婦女背著娃崽上山去做活。










1 對頭發進行護理性的熱敷在春季對頭皮和發梢是相當重要的,因為它們在冬季受到了寒冷和帽子的損傷。

2 硒是十分重要的養發物質,因為硒可以深入頭發內部,使頭發強健。硒在堅果和魚


3 定型頭發時不能使用含有酒精的產品,因為酒精會使頭發乾枯失去光澤。維生素B是頭發最重要的「維生素」。粗糧食品中含有豐富的維生素B,所以宜多吃粗糧。頭發少的人需要特別的發型,最好是帶劉海兒,而且上層的頭發應當長一些。

4 把頭發做成縷狀會使細發更加容易打理,並且顯得發量較多。把頭發末梢做上輕微的波也會不錯,它使發型更挺一些。

5 細發必須得到溫柔的呵護,所以最好只在發梢處用摩絲或梳子稍微定型一下。不然,只要用手指擺弄成型就可以了。

6 捲曲的頭發可以用液體滬發素 *** 揉捏,或者壓在卷發器上用吹風機熱風檔吹一小會兒,接著輕輕梳好,梢用點定型劑定型。

7 在睡覺前把頭發卷在發卷上或紮起來就不會壓了頭發。把一縷頭發在一條卷緊了的小頭構上纏好,打結綁好,第二天早上,頭發只需輕輕梳理,用手指擺弄一下就會順滑依日且有型。

8 乾燥的空氣和我們衣服中的合成纖維在春天很容易使頭發帶有靜電,防靜電梳子常常也不管用。理發後往頭發上抹一點護發霜,有益於減少靜電。使用少量洗發香波或用水將香波稀釋後使用。洗完後不要讓香波殘留在頭發上。

9 節省使用摩絲和亮發素。護發素也會使頭發亮澤,它不僅加深頭發的顏色,也給頭發形成了一層保護照。

10 如果您的頭發是粗發質,那就對它逆梳,這會使頭發蓬鬆並顯得更多。正確的方法是:用半圓梳把頭發一縷一縷地拉緊吹乾,然後使之自然冷卻。

11 如果您的頭發每8周修剪一次發梢的話,對頭發是有益的。一般來說,不要使用塑料或金屬梳子,它們會毀了頭發。相反,天然材料或者橡膠樹脂制的刷子或寬齒的梳子是理想的用具。決不要使用橡皮筋,因為它會使頭發折斷。

㈡ 怎麼梳FATE里凜的發型



㈢ 什麼是AV發型,有圖嗎


㈣ 常見的各種發型的英文名稱是什麼

Haircut Styles
The Cuts and Other Terms Defined

This is a a glossary of short hairstyle terms. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Please note that different people may have different ideas about the terms. You should always ensure that your barber understands what you are asking for.

bang (or bangs) - hair that is cut to hang brushed down over the forehead. This is called a fringe in some countries.

bowl cut - a cut that gets its name from its origins of placing a bowl on the head and then cutting off everything that protrudes from under the bowl. This gives hair of up to several inches in length on top with and close cropped hair below the bowl line and no blend (or transition) between the two lengths. The bowl cut became popular ring the Great Depression as an easy way of cutting boy's hair. While techniques may have improved, the cut still has the same basic characteristics of longer hair on top and short hair below a "bowl line", which is usually just above the ears. (Also see under cut and dipped mushroom cut below.)

brush cut - a longer variation of the crewcut, this style gets its name because the hair is cut to stand up like the bristles of a brush.

burr cut - see inction cut below.

burr with bumper - see horseshoe flattop below.

business man's cut - a term that describes a short (but not extremely short) haircut. It would generally refer to a cut that is long enough to be either parted or brushed back. The back and sides may be tapered or slightly longer, but cut around the ears.

butch - a short cut in which the hair is cut an even, short length (usually around 1/4 inch or less) all over. Outside the U.S., this cut is generally called a crewcut. Within the U.S., a butch would be usually considered as shorter than a crewcut. The butch is distinguished from a classic American crewcut by its even length all over (where an American crewcut has a little extra length at the front of the head).

buzzcut - a short cut (like the butch cut described above). The name comes from the sound of the electric clippers used for the cut. A buzzcut may typically range from 1/4 of an inch down to stubble (that is cut without a guard on the clippers).

Caesar cut - a moderately short cut worn in the style of Julius Caesar. The hair is layered to around 1 to 2 inches all over. The hair is brushed forward to a short bang or fringe at the front.

clipper blades and attachments - electric clippers are used to cut hair short. If used directly on the head without an attachment guard, they will shave the hair from the head, leaving a very short stubble. Some clippers use a series of different plastic guards over the cutting blades to adjust the length of hair, while others have different length attachable blades. These clipper attachments (either guards or blades) are used to provide a uniform length of hair to be left. Barbers use both adjustable attachments and standard attachments. Clippers made by Wahl use attachment numbers to indicate the length of hair that will be left. Here are some examples of attachments used by some popular clipper manufacturers.


0000 - 0.1mm (1/250 inch)
000 - 0.2mm (1/125 inch)
1 - 3.0mm (1/8 inch)
1.5 - 4.0mm (5/32 inch) separate regular and texturizing blades available
2 - 5.0mm (1/5 inch)
7 - 4.0mm (5/32 inch)
5 - 5.0mm (1/5 inch)
3.5 - 9.0mm (1/3 inch)
(Source: Andis Barber and Beauty Clipper Blades Page
Metric measurements from the Andis site. Inch conversions are approximate only!)

Oster. Oster clippers are often used in military barber shops (they are powered by a motor instead of an electric vibrating device and tend to stay cooler ring heavy use). Blades used on Oster clippers include:

00000 - 1/125 inch
0000 - 1/100 inch,
000 - 1/50 inch,
0A - 3/64 inch,
1 - 3/32 inch,
1A - 1/8 inch,
1-1/2 - 5/32 inch,
2 - 1/4 inch,
3-1/2 - 3/8 inch
(Source: Oster information referenced from Authorized Marketing Services.)


#0 (no attachment) - 1/100 inch,
#1 - 1/8 inch,
#2 - 1/4 inch,
#3 - 3/8 inch,
#4 - 1/2 inch,
#5 and #6 - special tapering attachments
#7 - 7/8 inch, and
#8 - 1 inch.
(References: Wahl numbers quoted from Hairnet hotline board message by Glenn.)

The advantage of using clippers is that they cut hair to an even short length quickly and easily. Some people say that only scissors can be used to cut hair short without exposing the skin underneath. This would only apply to moderately short haircuts, as with very short cuts, the aim is to expose some skin. Another disadvantage of the clippers is that because they are so quick and easy, the chance of mistakes is higher (for example by attaching the wrong attachment or by mis-cutting when tapering without an attachment - we've all heard barber school disaster stories). For this reason, you want a professional who is experienced with clippers. This is another reason to use an experienced barber for short hair.

college cut - this cut is similar to an ivy league. The back is clipper cut short all the way past the crown with the length increasing until the bangs form anywhere from one to three inches in front. Bangs may be left straight down or brushed to the side. (Contributed by a Buzztown reader.)

crewcut - outside the United States, the term crewcut has a much narrower meaning than inside the U.S. The non-U.S. definition is a cut that is short all over (about 1/4 inch), perhaps tapered a little at the back and sides. Inside the U.S. Within the U.S., crewcut is used more broadly to refer to a range of short haircuts. In general the U.S. definition refers to a cut that is tapered at the back and sides but may be up to one inch on top.

dipped mushroom cut or dipped bowl cut - this is like a regular bowl cut, however, the back follows the curvature around the ears and "dips" at least one to two inches lower at the back or the head. This prevents the bowl cut from having a look much like the side view of a "cupcake" when the bowl is cut too high. (Contributed by a Buzztown reader.)

fade (or temple fade) - a short tapered cut. The hair at the back and sides is tapered from zero length lower down up to around half an inch. The hair may be short or longer over the crown of the head. On top, the hair is longer (up to 2 to 3 inches) and may be layered.

flattop - a range of styles in which the hair is cut so that the top of the hair is cut into a flat surface. This style can have a range of lengths. Depending upon the length of the cut and the hair type, gel or pomade will be required to hold the hair in place. The longer the hair on top, the greater the effort required to style it. The cut gives a flat top surface on the round shape of the head. This means that the hair at the front central area of the head is cut shorter than the hair at the front and around the top sides of the head. Because of this, a short flattop will allow the scalp at the front central area of the head to be visible. This is known as a landing strip. If the hair is left longer on top, the front and upper sides will require more styling (such as blow-drying and either gel or pomade) to hold it place. The sides of a flattop are generally cut very short (although some variations of the cut can have the hair at the sides much longer than on top and slicked down). Another variation of the flat top is to have the back and sides shaved completed clean (with lather and a razor). This variation is known as white walls.

French crop - similar to a Caeser, but feathered at the front.

fringe - see bang above.

high and tight - a standard cut in the United States Marine Corps, a high and tight comprises cut to a stubble at the back and sides (using clippers with no guard comb attached) and short (around 1/4 inch) all over on top. Alternatively, the top may be cut into a short flattop. The back and sides may also be clean shaved using lather and a razor.

high and tight recon - a shorter version of the regular high and tight. The hair is cut higher on the side, tapered very closely on top with a runway in the middle going all the way to the back like a horseshoe. It resembles a Mohawk. Recon-Marines are famous for this haircut.

Thanks to the Leatherneck Barber Shop in Brownsville, TX for this definition.

horseshoe flattop - an extremely short version of the flattop cut. This cut gets its name because the only hair left on the head is a "horseshoe" shape ring of hair around the upper sides and across the front. The "landing strip" area is bigger than in regular flattops and the unguarded clippers are taken over the crown of the head. One contributor to this website provided some more information about this cut, also calling it a "TH flattop". This is described as a flattop cut with a TH clipper. The TH clipper is a type of clipper that will cut hair even closer than the 000 Wahl or 0 Oster clipper and is almost as short as an electric shaver.

The horseshoe flattop is also sometimes known as a "burr with bumper". The cut is basically 1/4" (no more than 3/8") butch waxed in front and an 1/8" along the sides of the "flat" - it's as short as you'll get before going to the full burr or inction cut. It was popular among career Marines in the 1960's. Unlike most other flattops, this cut can work well with fine or thinning hair (or at least some types hair thinning patterns). (Thanks to Gunny for contributing this information.)

inction cut (or burr cut) - the cut given to male recruits when they enter the United States armed services. Generally, the cut is made with electric clippers with no guard comb attached. This just leaves an even length stubble across the head. The armed services of other countries vary in their haircuts regulations for both new recruits and trained soldiers.

ivy league - cut short and tapered at the back and sides and cut close (about 1/4 inch) across the crown of the head, but getting a little longer (up to 1.5 inches) at the front of the head. Basically this is a standard crew cut, but cut longer at the front of the head. The hair at the front may be brushed up (using gel or pomade), brushed down or parted. It provides a little more flexibility in terms of styling while still having a crisp "buzzed" appearance.

landing strip - the patch of scalp that can been seen in the flat area of a very short flattop haircut (see the flattop definition, above).

layer cut - the style of having hair cut so that hair on different parts of the head is approximately the same length (instead of being cut longer in the centre and shorter around the edges). This cut contrasts from tapered cuts and bowl cuts.

low and tight - similar to the high and tight described above, except instead of having the sides and back completely clipped to the skin, the hair is only completely buzzed to about half way up the head. The higher side and back hair is clipped fairly short, but not to the skin. The hair on top of the head may be cut as a flattop or clipped short.

pompadour (or pomp) - the style of wearing the hair brushed back off the forehead. Typically a pompadour is not parted, but just brushed straight up and back. The term pompadour is also a woman's hairstyle again with the hair brushed back high from the forehead, into a roll (much higher than for a man's pompadour). The term is named after a woman (Marquise de Pompadour, a mistress of France's Louis XV). The pompadour is referred to (as a man's hairstyle) in John Steinbeck's classic 1952 novel "East of Eden": He was wearing a flat-topped, narrow-brimmed hat, very stylish, and when he saw them he broke into a run and yanked off his hat and they could see that this bright hair was clipped to a short brush of a pompadour that stood straight up. (Chapter 49).

porky cut - see inction cut above.

Princeton cut - this is basically another name for an ivy league cut (Princeton University being one of the eight Ivy League universities in the United States).

pudding basin haircut - another term for a bowl cut that is derived from the history of the cut. This term is not a widely used term these days. The following information about this style was provided by a Buzztown reader.

Haircut performed by placing a pudding basin over the head and cutting off all the hair below the rim of the basin all the way around the head.Commonly used for hundreds of years by poor and rural families. Other names for this haircut are bowl cut, bowl crop, basin cut and basin crop. The roundheads of English 17th Century history got their name from this haircut.The apprentices rioting in London wore their hair 'cut around the head' using a bowl as a guide; hence the name roundhead. Two German names for this haircut are Topfschnitt and Pottschnitt.

regulation haircut - a very short tapered haircut. The back and sides are cut very short and clipped to the scalp lower down at the back and sides, tapered very short to the crown, with the top cut just long enough to comb over. This is a broad term and you may wish to provide more details of what you want to your barber. In some shops, you might expect to have the hair clipped to the scalp up to about an inch and a half or more above the hair line. In other shops, less of the head may be clipped to the skin.

razor cut - a technique of cutting hair using the blade of a razor instead of scissors.

shaved - the hair is cut completely to the sking using a razor (either some form of blade razor or an electric razor). This should not be confused with hair that is cut using clippers. A crewcut or a buzzcut is not shaved. Too many people tell their barbers that they want part or all of their head shaved, when they actually want a tapered cut or some other clipper cut.

short back and sides - a widely-used term used in Australia and New Zealand (especially before the 1970s) to describe a short tapered cut. A barber in New Zealand provided the following information about the term "short back and sides":

Before the 1970's the most common haircut given in New Zealand was the "short back and sides" which is 1/8th inch on the back and sides (tapered 'round the edge) and reasonably short on top regardless of whether it is brushed back, flat top, side part, center part, or whatever. A male (regardless of age) would religiously get his hair cut every 2 - 3 weeks without fail and accordingly all that was needed on the top was a trim. A New Zealand written song uses as part of it's lyrics referring to the New Zealand male's haircut "a bit off the top and short back and sides".

square back - the hair at the back is cut at the bottom as a defined straight line. The hair is left full and is not tapered at the back or the sides. A square back can be used with a range of styles, including a crewcut, an ivy league or college cut or a flattop.

taper - the style of having the hair cut getting progressively shorter lower down towards the nape of the head. This is generally done with electric clippers and gives a crisper, freshly cut look. The degree of tapering can range from a slight taper to a style in which the hair around the nape and around the ears is completely shaven.

teddy boy cut - a style worn by mods in England ring the late 1950s and early 1960s. Typically the hair was cut relatively long (for the time), brushed back, and heavily greased. To read more about mods, teddy boys, including hairstyle information, read the article "Mod. The Life and How to Live It", which is part of an English website.

temple fade - see fade above.

TH flattop and TH clipper - see horseshoe flattop above.

thinning shears - scissors that are used to thin hair out. Instead of having two flat blades, like regular scissors, thinning shears have matching sets of "teeth" with gaps between them. When used to cut hair, some of the hair gets between the teeth of the shears and is cut, but most of the hair falls in the gaps between the teeth and is not cut. This allows some of the hairs to be cut short and other hairs to remain at the full length of the style. With some of the hairs cut short, this thins out the hair.

under cut - this cut is much like a bowl cut except the ridge of the bowl is not where the cuttings ends. The ridge of the bowl is lifted so the hair is clipper cut further up the side of the head an additional one to two inches. This allows the head to be shaken and the bowl look will always return to its regular shape. The sides may either be "white-walled" or cut to 1/8" length. The bottom of the back may be either faded or square cut. (Contributed by a Buzztown reader.)

wedge cut - similar to a bowl cut, except that the hair below the weight line is tapered instead of all being cut to the one length. The taper may be quite graal and may not be very short or clean cut. In fact, the hair may even cover the top of the ears. This is not really a barber shop cut and may be worn by men or women.

whiffle cut - see inction cut above.

white walls - a flattop haircut in which the back and sides of the head are shaved clean using lather and a razor (see the flattop definition above).
