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发布时间: 2022-01-16 18:45:55

㈠ 如何在oracle中使用存储过程创建表,如果存在就先删除

没有权限?具体点 或者贴图!
不过应该是没有create table和drop table的权限吧,你试试赋下给此用户看看

㈡ 由于dm-0的存在而无法创建存储怎么办

grant sysdba, dba, create session, create any table , create any view , create any index , create any procere ,
alter any table , alter any procere , drop any table , drop any view , drop any index , drop any procere ,
select any table , insert any table , update any table , delete any table
to test_data(数据库用户名);
首先我觉得你的逻辑有问题,既然数据库里面存在了表你就删除,但是你却把创建表的执行代码写在了else 条件里面;那意思如果数据库存在了你要创建的这张表,你的逻辑只是把它删除,但是却没有创建。

create or replace procere createtable(
tname varchar2
v_createsql varchar2(400);
v_dropsql varchar2(100);
v_count number(9);

v_createsql:='create table '||tname||'(
a number(8) primary key,
b varchar2(20))';
v_dropsql:='drop table '||tname||' cascade constraints';
select count(*) into v_count from user_tables where table_name=upper('java7');
if v_count>0 then
execute immediate v_dropsql;
end if;

execute immediate v_createsql;


-- select * from java7

㈢ SQL2005中怎样批量删除表

declare @Sql nvarchar(100); declare @dropSql nvarchar(100); declare my_cursor cursor for select name from sysobjects where name like 'R%' Open my_cursor fetch my_cursor into @Sql while @@fetch_status=0 begin set @dropSql='drop table'+' '+@Sql; EXECUTE sp_executesql @dropSql; end close my_cursor deallocate my_cursor return go 补充: 不好意思少写一个 declare @Sql nvarchar(100); declare @dropSql nvarchar(100); declare my_cursor cursor for select name from sysobjects where name like 'R%' Open my_cursor fetch my_cursor into @Sql while @@fetch_status=0 begin set @dropSql='drop table'+' '+@Sql; EXECUTE sp_executesql @dropSql; fetch my_cursor into @Sql end close my_cursor deallocate my_cursor return go 追问: 还是不行啊,报错,我搞不懂了! 消息3705,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行 无法将 DROP TABLE 用于 'rsSetSignByGrade',因为 'rsSetSignByGrade' 是 过程。请使用 DROP PROCEDURE。 消息3705,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行 无法将 DROP TABLE 用于 'rsCaculateTotalByGrade',因为 'rsCaculateTotalByGrade' 是 过程。请使用 DROP PROCEDURE。 消息3705,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行 无法将 DROP TABLE 用于 'rsAddB20ToTables',因为 'rsAddB20ToTables' 是 过程。请使用 DROP PROCEDURE。

㈣ 腾讯云(还有谁)个人博客织梦系统源码 php版

下面直接上代码 复制代码 代码如下: <?php //date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Shanghai"); /* function create_siteinfo DONE:网站信息表 Author: DATE:2010-3-30 表结构: title 网站名 keyword 网站关键词 description 网站描述 */ function create_siteinfo() { global $conn; $sql = "create table siteinfo ( title varchar(100) not null, keyword varchar(200) not null, description varchar(200) not null )"; $dropsql = "drop table if exists siteinfo"; mysql_query($dropsql,$conn)or die("删除表siteinfo失败!"); mysql_query($sql,$conn)or die("创建表siteinfo失败!"); } /* function:create_article() DONE:mysql创建文章表sql语句 Author: 表结构: id 文章ID cid 归属类别ID abstract 文章摘要 title 文章标题 posttime 发布时间 aurhor 作者 comefrom 文章来源 comeurl 来源URL content 正文内容 keyword 关键词 rank 文章等级 views 浏览次数 */ function create_article() { global $conn,$table_article; $sql ="create table $table_article( id int(11) auto_increment not null, cid int(5) not null, abstract varchar(300) not null, title varchar(50) not null, posttime datetime not null, author varchar(30) not null, comefrom varchar(50) not null, comeurl varchar(50) not null, content TEXT not null, keyword varchar(20) not null, rank int(2) not null, views int(5) not null, PRIMARY KEY(id) )"; $dropsql = "drop table if exists $table_article"; mysql_query($dropsql,$conn)or die("删除数据库失败!"); mysql_query($sql,$conn)or die("创建数据库失败!"); } /* function:create_member() DONE:mysql创建会员表sql语句 Author: uid 会员ID u_name 会员名称 u_passwd 密码 rank 会员等级 */ function create_member() { global $conn,$table_member; $sql = "create table $table_member( uid int(5) auto_increment not null, u_name varchar(20) not null UNIQUE, u_passwd varchar(100) not null, rank int(2) not null, PRIMARY KEY(uid) )"; $dropsql = "drop table if exists $table_member"; mysql_query($dropsql,$conn)or die("删除数据库失败!"); mysql_query($sql,$conn)or die("创建数据库失败!"); } /* function:create_class DONE:sql创建分类sql语句 Author: 表结构: cid 类类别ID cname 类名 */ function create_class() { global $conn,$table_class; $sql = "create table $table_class( cid int(5) auto_increment not null, cname varchar(50) not null UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY(cid) )"; $dropsql = "drop table if exists $table_class"; mysql_query($dropsql,$conn)or die("删除".$table_class."失败!"); mysql_query($sql,$conn)or die("创建表".$table_class."失败"); } /* function:create_guest DONE:sql创建留言板sql语句 Author: 表结构: gid 留言ID g_name 留言用户名 g_site 用户个人主页 g_mail 用户邮箱 g_cid 留言位置(哪篇文章或者是留言板) */ function create_guest() { global $conn,$table_guest; $sql = "create table $table_guest( gid int(11) auto_increment not null, g_name varchar(50) not null, g_site varchar(50) not null, g_mail varchar(50) not null, g_cid int(5) not null, PRIMARY KEY(gid) )"; $dropsql = "drop table if exists $table_guest"; mysql_query($dropsql,$conn)or die("删除表".$table_guest."失败"); mysql_query($sql,$conn)or die("创建表".$table_guest."失败"); } function create_sql() { global $table_article,$table_member,$table_class,$table_guest,$conn; echo "创建siteinfo表\r……"; create_siteinfo(); echo "完成<br>"; echo "创建".$table_article."表\r……"; create_article(); echo "完成<br>"; echo "创建".$table_member."表\r……"; create_member(); echo "完成<br>"; echo "创建".$table_class."表\r……"; create_class(); echo "完成<br>"; echo "创建".$table_guest."表\r……"; create_guest(); echo "完成<br>"; mysql_close($conn); } ?>

㈤ Teardrops In The Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Teardrops In The Rain
歌手:Joe Brown&The Bruvvers
专辑:The Joe Brown Story: The Piccadilly/Pye Anthology

no one ever sees
no one feels the pain
teardrops in the rain
i wish upon a star i wonder where you are
i wish you're coming back to me again
and everything's the same like it used to be
i see the days go by and still i wonder why
i wonder why it has to be this way
why can't i have you here just like it used to be
i don't know which way to choose
how can i find a way to go on
i don't know if i can go on without you oh
even if my heart's still beating just for you
i really know you are not feeling like i do
and even if the sun is shining over me
how come i still freeze?
no one ever sees no one feels the pain
i shed teardrops in the rain
i wish i could fly i wonder what you say
i wish you're flying back to me again
hope everything's same like it used to be
i don't know which way to choose
how can i find a way to go on
i don't know if i can go on without you oh
even if my heart's still beating just for you
i really know you are not feeling like i do
and even if the sun is shining over me
how come i still freeze?
no one ever sees no one feels the pain
i shed teardrops in the rain
i shed teardrops in the rain
teardrops in the rain
even if my heart's still beating just for you
i really know you are not feeling like i do
and even if the sun is shining over me
how come i still freeze?
no one ever sees no one feels the pain
i shed teardrops in the rain
teardrops in the rain
teardrops in the rain
teardrops in the rain


㈥ 帮忙看一下这个存储过程,sqlserver200的,执行的时候报错




不管怎样,建议在Exec之前,先Print 一下~

㈦ oracle下面如何使用'create table create table
