‘壹’ 到2023年,美国公共电池储能站规模将增加两倍,减缓用电难
因为可再生能源和电池成本都在下降——环境影响评估报告指出,“ 将公共电池储能电站与间歇性可再生资源(如风能和太阳能)相结合,可以触及偏远地方用电需求,与传统的发电方式竞争日益激烈”。 美国各州的优惠政策和联邦能源监管委员会的要求是电站建设上升的主要因素。
‘贰’ 1eb相当于多少个iPhone
‘叁’ 新基建这一年,产业链中最重要的是什么
在这一年中,无论是信息基础设施还是融合基础设施、创新基础设施,新基建产业链条中最重要的一环就是: 存储 。
自从人类步入信息 社会 ,计算和存储就变的愈发重要起来,计算能力和存储能力的不断提升持续拓展着人类的脑力边界, 社会 生活不再局限于眼前的“苟且”,更多的“诗与远方”给予了人类无限的遐想。
大数据、人工智能、自动驾驶、虚拟现实、火星殖民等“天顶星 科技 ”逐步由科幻变成现实的过程,让生活在这个时代的人类无限的憧憬和兴奋。所有这些 科技 的实现,无一不是依托更强的算力、更大的存储。
存储史:也是信息 科技 的争斗史
翻阅存储产业的 历史 ,是一个行业乃至国家信息产业兴衰起伏的发展史,从美国、日本、韩国,存储产业轮番发展与壮大,随之而来的是存储芯片技术的飞速进步,与国家信息产业的突飞猛进。
美国IBM公司生产的KeyPunch 031型打孔卡数据记录装置
其实,美国IBM公司最早就是靠生产打孔卡数据机起家。1932年,美国IBM公司发明了第一种被广泛使用的计算机存储器 — 磁鼓存储器,采用电磁感应原理进行数据记录。磁鼓非常笨重,像个两三米长的巨型滚筒,但磁鼓的存储容量也只有几K而已,售价极其昂贵。
Intel在成立之初,就制定了研制晶体管存储芯片的方向。1969年,Intel推出了64bit容量的静态随机存储器(SRAM)芯片C3101,1970年10月,推出了首款可以大规模生产的1K 动态随机存储器(DRAM)芯片C1103,使得每bit(比特)存储只要1美分,它标志着DRAM内存时代的到来。到1974年,Intel占据了全球83%的DRAM市场份额。
由于日本廉价DRAM的大量倾销,美光被迫裁员,不得已只得向美国政府寻求帮助。而Intel,连续亏损数个季度,DRAM市场份额仅剩下1%。当时,Intel的年销售额为15亿美元,亏损总额却高达2.6亿美元,被迫关闭了7座工厂,并裁减员工。濒临死亡的Intel,被迫全面退出DRAM市场,转型发展CPU,并由此获得新生。日本电子企业、 汽车 企业的凶猛攻势,最终引爆了美日两国的经济战争。
1992年三星完成全球第一个64M DRAM研发;1994年三星将研发成本提升至9亿美元,1996年三星完成全球第一个1GB DRAM(DDR2)研发。至此,韩国企业在存储芯片领域一直处于世界领跑者地位。
从此之后,三星在其后连续蝉联了近30年世界第一,韩国的经济也随之腾飞,实现了向高 科技 引导型经济的转型。韩国持续在存储芯片领域发力,长期保持着世界第一存储芯片生产大国的地位。目前全球三大存储器公司,韩国独占两席,最近甚至就连英特尔的3D NAND闪存业务也都卖给了韩国的SK。
时间来到21世纪,中国经历了近30年的改革开放,从一穷二白逐步迈入小康 社会 。新的经济发展需要新的产业动能驱动,产业升级的窗口期打开了,是中国出场的时候了。2014年,筹备许久的《国家集成电路产业发展推进纲要》和国家大基金先后落地,中国的存储产业得到了腾飞的助力,徐徐拉开大幕。
2018年4月11日,长江存储开始搬入机台设备,在当年4季度量产32层三维闪存,2019年9月,长江存储宣布其64层三维闪存启动量产。到了2020年4月,长江存储宣布全球首款128层 QLC三维闪存研发成功,实现了跨越式的发展,中国存储技术第一次跟上了世界主流存储技术步伐。。
在内存DRAM领域,合肥长鑫在2017年开始投资建设DRAM工厂,2019年底宣布DDR4 DRAM和LPDDR4 DRAM芯片研发成功。
长江存储 X2-6070 128L QLC 1.33Tb 3D NAND
不过, 现有 垄断的存储市场并不欢迎新进的玩家,存储大厂三星,SK 海力士和美光垄断了全球90%以上的市场份额,全球存储大厂的产能规模是国内公司的几十倍,技术比国内公司领先好几代,国内公司在资金、规模和技术任何一项都不占优势,长途可谓漫漫。
然而,存储市场巨大,产值巨大,经济带动效用巨大。2019年,全球存储市场超过1000亿美金,国内存储市场超过500亿美金,单一月产能10万片的存储器制造工厂投资额就需要100亿美金,这也决定了存储产业 “配得上”国家新基建的这样的规模和力度。
‘肆’ 美国科学家研制出迄今最小的存储设备,这设备有多小
美国科学家研制出迄今最小的存储设备,这设备横截面积仅1平方纳米,容量约为25兆比特每平方厘米,与目前的商用闪存设备相比,每层的存储密度提高了100倍。 虽然说存储设备变得很小,但是它的存储能力已经大大改变了,不能小看一个小小的设备,它的作用可是没有限量。
这项研究获得的结果为下一代应用超高密度存储、神经形态计算系统、射频通信系统等铺平了道路。 尽管最新研究使用二硫化钼作为主要纳米材料,该发现可能适用于数百种相关的原子厚度的纤薄材料。对于科技领域,又是人类在历史进程中的一大创造,希望将来能够有更多的发现与创造来丰富我们的日常生活!
‘伍’ 如何选择合适的美国服务器,美国服务器租用哪家比较好,求推荐
‘陆’ 全球超级计算机真有极大数据存储容量吗
是的,全球超级计算机真有极大数据存储容量。从1964年开始,美国控制数据公司一直在快速发展国际超级计算机技术,因为全球第一大双机械ZHIDC 6600年以来对科学研究和工程计算的需求。其峰值性能从30多年前的1亿次增加到每30秒40兆次(即日本电气公司的地球模拟器系统),每10年提高3位数。在国际超级计算机行业中,从系统性能、技术方向、制造技术、应用领域来看,还拥有500强名单,反映了世界上实际的超级计算机的最新发展。通过分析2002年11月16日发售的第20届世界500强计算机名单,可以看到世界超级计算机现在的发展。
‘柒’ 美国服务器有着怎样的优势为什么大多数人更愿意购买美国服务器
‘捌’ 美国废铁存储现况
‘玖’ 拜托帮忙翻译一下这篇文章 内容是全球变暖 与美国
The automobile will rece the row of 2.007513 million present climate to change warmly already becomes a global topic, the various countries also starts to take the concrete measure, yesterday, American President Bush announced, will formulate the new automobile energy conservation standard, will rece the automobile energy consumption and the exhaust discharges. Bush said that, he had same day instructed Department of Energy, Ministry of Agriculture and the environmental protection bureau carry on the cooperation, formulates the new automobile energy conservation standard. US'S automobile by the great displacement, the high oil consumption is famous, but the automobile energy conservation standard which formulates according to the present US government, the passenger vehicle energy consumption must achieve each gallon goes 27.5 miles, is equal to hundred kilometers fuel consumption must below 8.54 litres. According to White House's plan, the new sign brigadier general puts into practice in 2008 ago. Cooperates US with China famously to surround the organization "the natural resource protection committee" president Francis? 拜内克 woman It is reported, 拜内克 the organization recently will help China to conserve energy and the development clean energy lists as one of next ten years six key work, diligently will collect the more funds development cooperation project. This she leads several natural resources protection committee council member to visit China, is for the entrepreneur, the philanthropist which let these care environmental protections understood by oneself China obtains the result and faces the challenge, strives for their more supports. The natural resource protection committee passed for several years already positively to develop many clean energys cooperation project in China, including the construction energy conservation, the illumination energy conservation, the electric power demand side management and so on, has obtained the effect which the reced carbon dioxide discharged. This organization's Chinese project director the banana plant banana plant pulls? Ms. Fei Wen Li introces that, they once assisted Chongqing to formulate the Chinese first civil construction energy conservation standard, this standard afterwards became assigns two item of local civil construction energy consumption standard and an item of national standard important reference. The natural resource protection committee experts also once a commercial construction illumination energy consumption standard which recently issued for China provide the technical consultation. Only this illumination energy consumption standard implements in the entire China may every year rece 6 million tons carbon dioxide discharging. Coordinates the management by the natural resource protection committee the Chinese and American cooperation green construction pedagogical engineering project to finish in 2005, becomes Chinese first to obtain the international green construction gold medal authentication the public building, has eagerly anticipated the Chinese green construction tidal current. Evaluates after testing according to the reality, this construction may save the electrical energy 901,000 watthours, save water every year 10,000 tons, reces CO2 to discharge 1,700 tons. Ms. Fei Wen Li also introced: "We also with Jiangsu Province 经贸委 cooperation impetus electric power demand management. This is one kind lowly invests, the effect good energy conservation strategy, last year the Jiangsu Province leading nation, set up has been equal to 25 million US dollars special funds, funded the energy conservation technology the promoted application. The short year, this electric power demand side management measure already reced has been equal to 150,000 kilowatts electricity generations installing equipment demand. The natural resource protection committee once or with the Chinese central committee and provincial level many governments and the development facility cooperation, for example the construction department, the science and technology department, sent changes the committee, the environmental protection bureau, the academy of science, Qinghua University, the Jiangsu sound, Shanghai's some departments. The technical carbon dioxide underground storage question in October, 2007 17 American environmental protection bureau last week indicated that, will set up the standard to supervise and manage the carbon dioxide underground memory question which the thermoelectric power station and other instry facilities will discharge. Saves underground to the carbon dioxide is a new technology, at present has not carried on the commercial movement, but this is slows down the whole world to change warmly, prevented the climatic change creates one of disaster important methods. Reuter - the American environmental protection bureau mentioned in its statement, it in next year summer time promotes the corresponding laws and regulations "guarantees in" Security Water Law "under the frame to set up a set constantly, the effective permission standard system, collects the project establishment standard for the commercial scale geological carbon." Burns the carbon dioxide which the bunker coal and the fossil fuel thermoelectric power station discharges to be able to catch and to bury saves. The American 1/3 carbon dioxide discharges originates from the power plant and other instry sources. According to The United States Department of Energy's research, US and Canada have the enough memory property the carbon dioxide gas which discharges the power plant to save in the in-depth earth's crust 900 years, but this expenditure still not clear. Last week, Department of Energy announced three large-scale carbon 汇项 item fund. These projects amount to the expenditure approximately are 318 million US dollars, Department of Energy plan in ten years invest 197 million US dollars for these projects. Department of Energy stated that, these projects will attempt 1 million tons even large-scale carbon dioxide gas save in the in-depth earth's crust are partial 这是从另一个网站翻译的
Vehicle emission rection
2007 5 13
The current climate warming has become a global issue, each country is beginning to take concrete measures, yesterday, President Bush announced that it will develop a new energy-saving vehicle standards, rece energy consumption and vehicle exhaust emissions.
Bush said that he has instructed the Department of Energy the same day, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency to cooperate in the development of new energy-saving standards vehicle. U.S. vehicle to larger displacement, high fuel consumption of the year, According to the current United States government has established automotive energy conservation standards, energy consumption to achieve cars per gallon on 27.5 miles, or 100 km fuel consumption must 8.54 liters following. According to the White House plan, the new standards will be 2008 before implementation.
Cooperation with China
The well-known American embracing organizations, "the Natural Resources Defense Council," president Francis? Ms. Beinecke
It is understood that the Beinecke agencies recently to help China develop energy-saving and clean energy as next decade one of the six key tasks will be to raise additional funds for cooperation projects. She led the Commission for the Conservation of Natural Resources dozen members of the Governing Council's visit to China is concerned about environmental protection in order to allow these entrepreneurs, philanthropists see for themselves the achievements China and the challenges facing, the more secure their support.
Natural Resources Defense Council in the past few years China has actively carried out a number of clean energy cooperation projects, including building energy saving, energy-saving lighting, DSM, has been made to rece carbon dioxide emissions results. The organization's China Project Director Barbara? Wen Lai, introced fees that they have helped develop China's Chongqing Municipality a civil buildings energy-efficient standards, the standards later become the designated two regional civil buildings energy consumption standards and a national standard reference. Natural Resources Protection Committee of the Chinese experts have recently released a commercial building lighting energy consumption standards provide technical advice. This alone lighting energy consumption standards in the whole of China each year can be implemented to rece 6 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
Coordinated by the Commission for the Conservation of natural resources management Normal Sino-US cooperation green building projects in 2005 completed and became China's first international Green Building gold certified public buildings, leading the Chinese green building trend. According to the actual appraisal, the building can be saved every year power 900,000 kwh, water-saving 1 million tons, recing CO2 emissions 1,700 tons.
Fees Wen-li President also said: "We are also in Jiangsu Province Economic and Trade Commission, and promote cooperation electricity demand management. This is a low-input, energy-saving effect of a good strategy, Jiangsu Province last year, leading the country, setting up the equivalent of 25 million US dollars in special fund to provide financial assistance to promote the use of energy-saving technology. Just one year this DSM measures have reced the equivalent of 150,000 kilowatts installed power capacity needs.
Natural Resources Defense Council have been or are working with a number of China's central and provincial government and research institutions, such as the Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Science and Technology, the State Development and Reform Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, National Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Jiangsu sound, a number of departments of Shanghai.
Underground storage of carbon dioxide technology issues
In October 2007 17
The United States Environmental Protection Agency said last week that regulatory standards will be set up thermal power plants and other instrial facilities carbon dioxide emissions from underground storage problems.
The underground carbon dioxide storage is a new technology at present there is no commercial operation, but it is slow down global warming, and prevent the disaster caused by climate change one of the important means. According to a Reuters report, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, in its statement that it will launch next summer when the corresponding laws and regulations "to ensure" safe water "from the establishment of the framework of a constant and effective system of licensing standards for commercial-scale geological carbon sinks projects established standards."
The burning of coal and fossil fuel power plant emissions of carbon dioxide can be captured and buried depositors. The United States one-third of the carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and other instrial sources. According to the United States Department of Energy study, the United States and Canada have sufficient storage capacity power plant emissions of carbon dioxide gas in the deep crust storage 900 years, but the cost is unclear. Last week, the Department of Energy announced that three large-scale carbon sink project funds. Total cost of these projects is about 318 million US dollars, the Department of Energy plans within a decade for these projects invested 197 million US dollars. The Department of Energy said the project will try to 1 million tons or even large-scale carbon dioxide gas stored in the deeper parts of the crust