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发布时间: 2022-07-07 04:25:34

A. 有关体育活动的英语短文(150词)

以“体育活动”为题,写一篇短文,不少于五句话,至少三种句型(英文) 我爱家乡的小河同学们,你们到过乡村吗?我可到过,那里可漂亮了。我最爱的是我家乡的小河。 春天,小河哗哗欢快地流着,惊醒了沉睡的大地。你看,小河旁边青青的小草争先恐后地冒出来,好像在比谁长得快。柳树把嫩绿的枝条垂到河里,好像在梳理自己的头发。野花开得多美呀!红的、白的、黄的……五彩缤纷,还散发出一阵阵香味,引来了蜜蜂和蝴蝶,它们在花丛中翩翩起舞;活泼可爱的小鱼看到这么动人

B. 用英语写出体育课时的情景,不少于10句

用英语写出体育课时的情景,不少于10句2012-8-29 17:30:24棱qJ3

C. 用英语描述同学们在上体育课的情景

We had a PE lesson today. Everyone enjoyed it a lot. Lily played basketball with her friend Han Meimei happily. Li Lei practised running because he joined a sport match. Sweat flew down from our face, but nobody stopped. We like sports!

D. 按键精灵后台脚本

Hwnd = Plugin.Window.MousePoint()
While true
Call Plugin.Bkgnd.KeyPress(Hwnd, 116)
Delay 1000
Call Plugin.Bkgnd.KeyPress(Hwnd, 32)
Delay 1000
Call Plugin.Bkgnd.KeyPress(Hwnd, 13)
Delay 3000


E. 用英语说上体育课做过什么(过程) 写下翻译出来 谢谢


F. 一篇关于学校开展体育活动的英语短文 词数不少于60个

My School Sport
My school holds sport meeting every year, and I won the first price in long jump last year. The students usually take exercises in the morning and do eye exercises in the afternoon. After class, they will play basketball or football. Doing sport is good for health, I will take more exercises .

G. 英语在体育课怎么说

Physical Ecation

H. 英语作文体育课

Yesterday,we had an exciting P.E. class in which we enjoyed ourselves a lot.Our teacher taught us play basket ball and let us do what we like after he had showed us the basic skills of basket ball.We then played badminton together and didn't notice that time was passing by so quickly.